1) Go to your Wordpress Admin dashboard

Go to your Wordpress Admin dashboard. Then click on Plugins in the left side navigation. Then search for superflow. In the Search Results you should see the Superflow plugin. Click on it.

2) Install the Superflow Plugin

You will then be taken to the Superflow Plugin page. Click Install and Activate.

Once the Superflow Plugin is installed, click Manage Plugin.

3) Setup Superflow

You will then be taken to the Plugins page of your Admin Dashboard. Search superflow in the search bar. This will bring up the installed Superflow Plugin in the search results.

Click Settings to setup Superflow.

You’ll then be taken to a page where you can connect Superflow to your Wordpress page.

Press Connect Superflow.

4) Verify your Installation

You will then be taken to the Superflow onboarding website. You will be asked to log in or to create an account.

After you log in or create an account, you will be asked to verify that Superflow was installed correctly on your Wordpress site.

Verify your Superflow installation by clicking the Verify button on the onboarding flow.

If successful, you should be redirected to your published Wordpress site and see the following success message:

5) Troubleshooting

Having trouble getting your verifying your installation? Here are the common mistakes users encounter when installing Superflow:

  • Did you forget to publish your site?
  • Is the browser still loading a cached version?
  • Did you add ?review=true at the end of your url?
  • Did you publish your changes on a staging URL while you are trying to access a Prod URL?
  • Did you accidentally install multiple Superflow scripts in the Custom Code?

6) Navigate to your Wordpress site

Now that you have verified that Superflow has been installed on your Wordpress site, navigate to your published site and add ?review=true at the end of the URL to enable Superflow.

Example: mywebsite.wordpress.com/?review=true

7) Test out Superflow

You should now see a Superflow toolbar on the bottom right of you screen.

8) Dropping your first comment

Try leaving a comment on your page.

You can leave a comment in several different ways:

  • By highlighting any text
  • By hovering over any element on the page
  • By drawing a box anywhere on the page

You can also leave voice and screen recordings in your comments as well!